About Us

Many years ago a little boy lived with his family in Manchester, his mum and dad had a little terraced house by a railway embankment. They also had a large back garden. This little boy was called Jim. His dad was animal mad and in the back garden he kept all kinds of animals, and on the railway embankment he kept goats and pigs. 

Over the next few months you will be able to read about some of the exploits of this family when things went wrong and the odd animal escaped. Very different in the 50’s and 60’s from now.

When little Jim was 11 his mum and dad bought their first farm. They sold their terraced house and with the money from that bought, not only the farm but also the livestock on it. Couldn’t do that today!

It was 12 years later when I first met Jim and his mum and dad, later we were married and had a little girl, Amy. We lived on the farm next door to his mum and dad and became the family we are today. Sadly Jim’s mum died a few years ago but when Amy grew up she moved into part of her granddads house with her new husband and they settled into life on little farm, much as I had done.

Two grandsons later and you have my family. We are an odd mix but we get along better than you would think. We do many things together and other things apart just as you would expect. Now we launch Little Farm and hope you will enjoy life here as much as we do.